Combat Muay Thai #1 Conditioning & Bag Drills DVD Walter Michalowski kickboxing


$31.63 $36.44

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    By Walter Sleeper Michalowski Over the centuries; Muay Thai has; justifiably; earned a reputation for being one of the world’s most effective martial arts. Through the awesome power and stamina developed through Muay Thai’s unique training methods; and the fighting strategies which evolved over hundreds of years of combat experience; the Thai fighters have become respected the world over. Unfortunately; in the West; one portion of Muay Thai training has been sadly neglected-until now. Prior to this DVD series; Muay Thai training videos have been limited exclusively to training for sport competition. Now; this gap has been closed; as multi-titled Muay Thai champion Walter sleeper Michalowski reveals the secrets of Combat Muay Thai. Volume 1: Conditioning and Bag Drills. The basic foundation of Muay Thai is its awesome conditioning training. The exercises and drills found in Muay Thai can make anyone stronger; faster and more limber; with quicker reflexes. In the first DVD of this amazing series; Walter takes you step by step through the unique Thai training methods; not found in any other martial art; then shows you how to use the various bag drills to build the basic elements of effective fighting and self-defense.  56 minutes

    Digitally remastered from original videocassette.

    Manufacturers of specialty titles use DVD-R duplication and utilize inkjet printed covers. This may make the DVDs appear to be counterfeit, however, this is the standard manufacturing process used by Warner Bros and others. This DVD is 100% guaranteed authentic.

    *Please use the pull down menu to choose DVD or download version*

    *Digital downloads are for personal use only. It is illegal to sell or distribute in any manner.

    Weight 0.4 oz

    I&I Sports/Unique Publications







